Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My season, thus far...

So here's how my season's gone so far... I train, I get faster, I procrastinate on a deadline for work, I pull an all-nighter to finish the work in time for a demo, I get sick, I don't train, I get slower, I get healthy, repeat.

This is NOT a recipe for success.

Anyway for the last week or so I've been doing a lot of sitting around sick (and working late into the night while sick which is bad) and generally being annoyed with myself for procrastinating last night and getting sick. So this week I'm gonna work consistently and not procrastinate.


Justin said...

Well, I've been alternating between getting colds and food poisoning, and I'm not pulling all nighters. What gives? Anyway, keep the nose to the grindstone, and I'll see you guys/gals back in FoCo in May.

LAV said...

You must be Lila's bro... thanks for stopping by!

(and you know what they say-- procrastination is like masturbation...)