Friday, February 29, 2008

Of bikes...

Here's the bike I'm riding this year. It's a 5-dollar thrift-store frame with a frankenstein-esque hodge-podge of components (including a replaceable der. hanger, despite the fact that the bike was not originally fitted with one!):

Now, you're probably saying, 'uh, Phil, isn't that the same bike you rode LAST year?'

Yes. It is.


THIS year, I put real pedals on it:
And a shorter stem (turns out 145mm is a bit too long for me...):

It's starting to feel a little like the old farm axe - which has had 2 new bits and half a dozen new handles over the years, but it's still the same old farm axe :) I'm still running 9 speed. My left shifter is almost as old as the frame. My bar tape is dirty and scuffed...

But it was still good enough for a top-10 finish at the Scottsdale Grand Prix last weekend, and I think there might just be another win or two in that old bike... I'm excited for this season!


Anonymous said...
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Tyera said...

as we say in the biz, the first picture is flopped.

also, i wonder what that removed post was...

Will Hickey said...

Hmm, I think it is the bike that was flopped and not the picture.

The comment I deleted was spam with a link that promised to protect my computer from malware, virii and Arabs but since I am secretly hoping the Arabs will steal all my data I chose to disregard it.