Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm tired

Well, I made it through my big build phase. Yesterday was the last day of my 3rd consecutive week of at least 20 hours on a bike. Prior to 3 weeks ago I'd never done more than 16 hours of training in a week (I think I might have gone over 16 at Superweek last year but that's different cause all you do is race, eat and sleep). I've been pretty shredded but my fitness has improved pretty markedly and my climbing is pretty good. I've been pedaling downhills like a madman to build leg speed. I've come down from Stove Prairie twice this weekend and both times I was keeping up with the cars and motorcycles which was sweet.

I've got 10 days now before I leave for Superweek which should be just enough to rest and build a little more speed. Then Superweek should get me in really good shape for the crits in August and September :-)

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